Committees and processes

We build processes, capacity, and relationships to help First Nations in BC influence the integrated planning and management of Pacific fisheries and aquatic resources at the province-wide level.

National aquaculture working group

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) hosts a National Aquaculture Working Group (NAWG) that facilitates dialogue and provides technical support to First Nations on national aquaculture initiatives. The complex landscape of aquaculture management in BC is distinct from other regions in Canada; FNFC regularly engages with the NAWG to bring forward interests and perspectives from

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Aquaculture coordinating committee

First Nations across BC have diverse interests, concerns, and technical expertise regarding aquaculture. The Aquaculture Coordinating Committee (ACC) is a province-wide advisory process comprised of delegates from the 14 FNFC geographic regions. It was formed in 2014 to support First Nations collaboration on aquaculture matters of broad concern, and advance the interests of First Nations

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Salmon coordinating committee

The First Nations Salmon Coordinating Committee (SCC) is a province-wide advisory process comprised of delegates from FNFC’s geographic regions. It was formed in 2011 in response to ongoing frustrations expressed by First Nations with DFO’s Tier 3 Salmon Integrated Harvest Planning Committee (IHPC) and Integrated Fisheries Management Planning (IFMP) processes. First Nations and DFO committed

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Economic coordinating committee

FNFC established the Economic Coordinating Committee (ECC) as a province-wide advisory body to facilitate First Nations collaboration on economic values, interests, concerns, and opportunities. The ECC supports economic development for First Nations in BC through the sustainable use of fish and aquatic resources within their territories, to build self-sufficient businesses and healthy First Nations economies.

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Oceans protection plan committees

In 2016, the Government of Canada launched the federal $1.5 billion Oceans Protection Plan (OPP), a major component of which is to build meaningful Indigenous partnerships for effective marine and coastal management. The OPP presents new opportunities for First Nations engagement and co-development of marine policy and processes. Through the Commitment to Action and Results

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