Transition plan for open-net pen fish farms

We build processes, capacity, and relationships to help First Nations in BC influence the integrated planning and management of Pacific fisheries and aquatic resources at the province-wide level.

Kuterra closed containment salmon aquaculture - By Kuterra


DFO committed to developing a plan by 2025 to transition from open-net pen aquaculture in British Columbia coastal waters. The FNFC supported First Nations in BC to engage on the open-net pen transition plan by convening a series of First Nation working group meetings and regional workshops. First Nations provided input on what the transition plan should look like and to discuss what transition might mean.

The FNFC First Nations Open-Net Pen Transition Plan Blueprint Recommendations is the culmination of feedback that FNFC heard from First Nations that participated in these meetings and working groups. It summarizes broad advice from different First Nations across BC, and distills that advice into key elements, themes and principles that the transition plan blueprint for open-net pen fish farms should include.

Key themes identified by First Nations participants include: a whole of salmon lifecycle approach to protecting and recovering wild Pacific salmon; a whole of aquaculture approach when considering transition; respect for First Nations self-governance and self-determination; and protection of First Nations investments. The report also recommends a set of guiding principles to be adopted as part of the transition plan, together with a series of technical considerations to inform the development of the transition plan.

Click here to read the First Nations Open-Net Pen Transition Plan Blueprint Recommendations.



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Janson Wong, Senior Manager,
[email protected]