Salmon allocation policy

We build processes, capacity, and relationships to help First Nations in BC influence the integrated planning and management of Pacific fisheries and aquatic resources at the province-wide level.

Sockeye in Wuikinuxv Lake – By Billie Johnson


FNFC is supporting a co-designed process to review and update DFO’s Pacific regional policy An Allocation Policy for Pacific Salmon (1999). FNFC will convene and support First Nations in BC to review the policy and provide recommendations to DFO.

The Salmon Allocation Policy (SAP) provides operational guidelines for DFO’s allocation of Pacific salmon among First Nations, commercial, and recreational harvest groups. As a result of the Ahousaht et al. decision [2018], DFO is required to update the SAP to uphold First Nations priority fishing rights.

FNFC hosted a First Nations working group to jointly develop terms of reference (TOR) for the review process with DFO. We are also hosting workshops and providing analysis to support First Nations engagement at the Tier 1, 2, and 3 levels, and supporting the collaborative development of coherent recommendations to DFO; however, this collaborative work at the province-wide level does not replace DFO’s obligation to consult directly with rights holders.



Resources and publications

Summary Reports

Over the last two years, we have coordinated a Salmon Allocation Policy Working Group (SAP WG) to collaborate and work with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), to provide our views to the Government of Canada on the Salmon Allocation Policy Engagement Process and drafting of the Terms of Reference (TOR) (i.e. Phase 1).


Janson Wong, Senior Manager,
[email protected]