Addressing complex issues within fisheries and aquatic resource policy and management involves political, technical, cultural, ecological, and economic factors. Strong collaboration is needed among First Nations and with governments, industry, and non-governmental organizations. FNFC has a number of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 partnerships that support effective communication and collaboration.

Tier 1 partnerships - First Nations
Recognizing that First Nations are stronger when we work together, we designed a Partnership Accord to promote enduring relationships and constructive dialogue with regional First Nations organizations in BC. These partnerships set the foundation for positive working relationships among First Nations, and the coordination of regional capacity and resources on matters of shared interest.
FNFC also signed a Declaration and Protocol of Recognition, Support, Cooperation, and Coordination with the First Nations Leadership Council in 2011, which signifies the intent of FNFC and the political leadership organizations to collaboratively advance First Nations fisheries and aquatic resource interests.

Tier 2 partnerships - First Nations and Provincial and Federal Governments
Overlapping jurisdiction and authorities exist among First Nations, federal, and provincial governments when it comes to fisheries, aquatic resources, and habitat. The policy, management, and legislative environment is deeply complex given the broad range of interests and impacts that must be considered in management processes.
FNFC has established Commitment to Action partnership agreements with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Transport Canada, the Canadian Coast Guard, and Environment and Climate Change Canada. These partnerships create lines of communication with federal agencies to ensure that First Nations interests, concerns, and priorities are included in management discussions and decision making. We also have a Memorandum of Understanding with the Province of BC to support First Nations engagement with provincial ministries on aquatic resource and habitat issues.