A strong, collective vision
for BC fisheries
In the fall of 2006, First Nations in BC gathered to discuss their shared concerns about growing pressures on aquatic resources and declining First Nations participation in fisheries. They identified the need for a collective vision and strategy to increase First Nations access, allocation, and involvement in fisheries management and decision making, pursuant to their Aboriginal Title and Rights and Treaty Rights. The result of these forums was the 2007 BC First Nations Fisheries Action Plan, which called for the creation of a province-wide First Nations Fisheries Council and laid the foundation for future action.

Action Plan themes
First Nations identified approximately 70 action items under 6 key themes to address their interests and concerns:
- Relationships and Reconciliation
- Aquatic Resource Sharing (Allocation)
- Safeguarding Habitat and Responding to Threats
- Aquatic Resource Management
- Building Solid Economic Opportunities
- Negotiations and Litigation

Our mandate
Ratified by First Nations participants at the 2009 Annual General Assembly, FNFC’s mandate is to make progress on the action items and broader goals identified in the Action Plan. From modest beginnings, FNFC has grown and established itself as a well-recognized and reputable organization with the stable funding, infrastructure, and process framework required to support collective First Nations interests and objectives at the province-wide level.
FNFC achieves this mandate by:
- Convening and facilitating discussions and processes related to collaborative management that uphold First Nations rights, jurisdiction and management authority
- Supporting First Nations to build and maintain capacity
- Supporting relationships and coherent processes between First Nations and government
- Amplifying the voices of First Nations on fisheries and aquatic resource matters of province-wide interest