Our regional model

Our regional model was developed through extensive engagement with First Nations communities, regional organizations and leadership across the province in 2008 and 2009.

The outcome was FNFC’s current structure of 14 geographic regions, which is designed to:

  1. Reflect a balance of population, geography, and coastal and interior interests, and
  2. Capture the exceptional diversity in ecology, cultures, priorities, resources, capacity, and expertise in BC.

The regional model was ratified by First Nations participants at the 2009 FNFC Annual General Assembly in Nanaimo, and supported by resolution of the BC Assembly of First Nations, Union of BC Indian Chiefs, and First Nations Summit.

FNFC has 14 Council Delegate positions, one for each of our 14 geographic regions. First Nations communities and organizations within each region may appoint a Council Delegate through whatever process they choose. Participation in many FNFC processes is also based on our regional model to encourage a broad range of regional perspectives at the table.

  • Northern Transboundry
  • Haida Gwaii
  • Upper Fraser
  • Upper Skeena
  • North Coast
  • Central Coast
  • Mid-Fraser (2 seats)
  • Transboudary Columbia
  • Fraser Valley
  • Lower Mainland
  • South Island and Mainland Inlets
  • North Island and Mainland Inlets
  • West Coast Vancouver Island