Expressions of Interest for NEW BC First Nations Water Caucus

The First Nations Fisheries Council of British Columbia is seeking delegates to join a new First Nations Water Caucus. First Nations leadership, staff, and community members are encouraged to indicate their interest by completing the questionnaire by email or phone by Friday, May 27th, 2022.

What is the First Nations Water Caucus?

The First Nations Water Caucus will bring together up to 15 First Nation delegates from major watersheds across British Columbia to discuss and identify shared strategic priorities and interests related to fresh water.

What is the Water Table?

The First Nations Water Caucus will work with representatives of the BC provincial government ministries with responsibility for fresh water at a new BC Water Table. The first task of the Water Table will be to co-develop the BC Watershed Security Strategy and associated action plans.

I’m Interested! How do I put my name forward?

Read the Call for Delegates package and fill out the questionnaire by email or by phone by Friday, May 27th, 2022

Email your completed questionnaire to [email protected] OR call 778-379-6470 to complete the questionnaire over the phone with FNFC staff.

Delegates will be notified by early June 2022.

The event is finished.


May 04 - 27 2022


8:00 am - 5:00 pm
QR Code