PSC First Nations Caucus

We build processes, capacity, and relationships to help First Nations in BC influence the integrated planning and management of Pacific fisheries and aquatic resources at the province-wide level.

Wind drying salmon, Saddle Rock, by Frankie Victor


FNFC provides support to the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC) First Nations Caucus, including the development of work plans, meeting logistics, and strategic planning. The PSC is responsible for implementing the Pacific Salmon Treaty (PST), an agreement between Canada and the US on research, management, and enhancement for Pacific salmon that swim across international borders.

FNFC supported the FN Caucus in developing a strategic plan and succession plan to improve communications and First Nations engagement on PSC/PST matters. The plan aligns the FN Caucus with FNFC’s regional governance structure to facilitate engagement with First Nations across BC. Effective engagement with First Nations is critical, as the FN Caucus has limited seats, and PSC decisions at the international level have implications for Canada’s domestic fisheries management and First Nations salmon fisheries.

Click here to read the PSC First Nations Caucus Engagement with First Nations Engagement Booklet.



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Resources and publications

PSC Report Socio-Cultural Value of Salmon to FN

Pacific salmon are a cultural and ecological keystone species, irreplaceable and core to the identities and ways of life of Indigenous communities throughout the Pacific Northwest. This report shares insights on the sociocultural significance of Pacific salmon, learned from engagement with the Tribal and First Nations Caucuses to the Pacific Salmon Commission.


Janson Wong, Senior Manager,
[email protected]