Commercial salmon allocation framework

We build processes, capacity, and relationships to help First Nations in BC influence the integrated planning and management of Pacific fisheries and aquatic resources at the province-wide level.


Starting in 2015, the Commercial Salmon Allocation Framework (CSAF) small working group, comprised of participants from DFO, the Commercial Salmon Advisory Board (CSAB), and the FNFC Salmon Coordinating Committee (SCC), worked collaboratively to develop a draft evaluation framework for reviewing submitted demonstration fishery proposals to DFO. Demonstration fisheries are pilot commercial fisheries that may be implemented to test new gear types, fishing areas, etc. This work continues to implement the draft framework and provides feedback and recommendations on the process.

Through the SCC and CSAF small working group, FNFC supports First Nations to develop proposals for demonstration fisheries. We also support First Nations collaboration and capacity on demonstration fisheries.



Resources and publications

CSAF Evaluation Framework [Jan 18, 2017]

These guidelines are to be used to evaluate proposals for increased flexibility to harvest commercial salmon shares consistent with approved updates associated with the Commercial Salmon Allocation Framework (CSAF).

Proposal Template [Nov 2018]

Concept being proposed (e.g. alternative sharing arrangements, changes to existing fishery management decision rules or harvest guidelines; alternative time, area and gear being proposed)


Janson Wong, Senior Manager,
[email protected]