First Nations and fisheries management

We build processes, capacity, and relationships to help First Nations in BC influence the integrated planning and management of Pacific fisheries and aquatic resources at the province-wide level.

Checking smolt traps, Lower Stikine River CWT Program – by Carey Carlick


FNFC is working to develop mechanisms and processes to support First Nations engagement and participation in fisheries management processes and decision making. First Nations have clearly expressed that DFO consultation and/or discussions about potential infringement of Section 35(1) Aboriginal and Treaty Rights cannot be held in a Tier 3 (multi-stakeholder) environment; however, existing DFO mechanisms (e.g. IHPC and IFMP processes) are primarily Tier 3.

Reformed processes are needed to ensure meaningful First Nations engagement in fisheries management and decision making. Such processes must uphold Aboriginal Rights, UNDRIP, and provision for Free, Prior and Informed Consent. FNFC, the Salmon Coordinating Committee (SCC), and DFO are discussing opportunities to restructure fisheries management processes to better meet the needs of First Nations in BC.



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Janson Wong, Senior Manager,
[email protected]